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Need your input

Hello there, This is a survey for my UX design project , where I need to design an website for ordering custom printed T shirts. To begin the process I need to conduct interviews about the project, If you are willing to be a part of my UX design journey and interested to share your thoughts, Kindly will the form to share thoughts, Your input means a lot. And share with the people who are interested to share their thoughts. If you are available please fill the form. I guarantee it will be fun activity,  Link to form:

Chandrayaan 2

Chandrayaan 2:
                 Chandrayaan 2 is going to launch in july15,2019 from Satish dhawan space center by GSLV MK111. chandranyaan 2 contains a lander and Rover

         Studies of lunar topography, mineralogy, elemental,lunar exosphere and the signatures of hydroxyl and water ice.

What is lander and Rover:
          Lander is named as Vikram lander it helps to soft landing on moon
           Rover is named as pragyan Rover it contains six wheels controls from center,it can travel well in terrains a 3d camera is place in front of this machine for the 3d views
