Hello there, This is a survey for my UX design project , where I need to design an website for ordering custom printed T shirts. To begin the process I need to conduct interviews about the project, If you are willing to be a part of my UX design journey and interested to share your thoughts, Kindly will the form to share thoughts, Your input means a lot. And share with the people who are interested to share their thoughts. If you are available please fill the form. I guarantee it will be fun activity, Link to form: https://forms.gle/potVXeUByvUUeKph7
Scientists have discovered 18 Earth-sized planets beyond the solar system, including one of the smallest known so far and another that could offer conditions friendly to life.Of these so-called exoplanets, about 96 per cent are significantly larger than our Earth.
Kepler telescope helps in finding new planets.It has discovered more than 5000 planets,kepler has been launched in 7th march 2007.
On 30th October 2018 it loss its life time
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